Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Slide Across -- It's Acrostics Time

Greetings my fair Internet.

My classes at university are starting this week, which means slogging across campus in the snow and slushy rain for class, and meetings, and clubs, and other things. But all for the power / benefit of education right? Right. So this week I have acrostic (also called name) poems for you. I know, not very creative on my part compared to last week's Ballads. But you know, I am trying here. Ok, so acrostic poetry, "tells about the word. It uses the letters of the word for the first letter of each line." 

Sounds simple enough, so lets ride the wave on in.

“Blue Slush”

Calling people
Listening and learning
Life, developing all the time

Perspectives shifting in and out of view
Hoping to share joys and trumps and sorrows
Opening up minds and bits of soul
Not yet wanting to let go
Ending the connecting


Focusing in on things
Letting the darkness run
Away in fear
Shining, shining pin pricks
Hoping to mimic distant stars
Laughing all the while
Inconceivable madness
Growing big, growing small, a simple turn
Hitting everywhere, soaking swaths of spaces and rooms
Traveling at the physical constant of c


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